Synching Windows / Linux doesn't work bidirectionally

@hww, in order to faster find the problem, it’s recommended to provide just a minimum working setup. I think that neither @canton7 nor @AudriusButkevicius have noticed that you are sharing partition (or shared drive) I:\, which has 131 files, but you are actually doing tests in I:\tmp, that has only 7 files.


To check if it is a common issue with permissions in Windows I’ve just tried:

  • Device A: SyncTraizor 1.0.29 (Syncthing v0.12.1) running in a Win7-64 with an administrator account <admin1>. The repo is in F:\repo.
  • Device B: Syncthing v0.12.1 running in a Win7-64 with an administator account <admin2>. The repo is in D:\shared\repo. The Syncthing executable is in D:\Syncthing.

It’s working ok.

I created a user account with non-administrative privileges in Device B, <user>, and copied C:\Users\<admin2>\AppData\Local\Syncthing to C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Syncthing. I close the <admin2> session, entered as <user> and launched Syncthing. Everything is working as expected. I can create, modify or delete files in Device A and/or Device B, and changes are properly propagated. However, a warning message is displayed, relating to the default repo:

2015-11-10 14:21:22: Stopping folder "default" - GetFileAttributesEx \\?\\C:\Users\<admin2>\Sync: Access denied

which maskes sense.

Quick answer: In folder shared by ST is 131 files (should be 132), 6/7 files is in subfolder (called tmp) of that shared folder. There are no network drives included in sharing, only when he looks from windows to that folder on NAS he uses samba share. But folder itself is shared by ST directly from NAS. “Shared” is only NTFS partition in laptop (more like alternately used by windows and kubuntu).

Thanks. Has he used the /rest/db/file endpoint to see what Syncthing thinks exists at the missing file’s path? Has he examined/posted the logs from both sides (particularly the puller’s side, as that will indicate puller issues)?

Is it preferable to share the configuration directory among different OSs in the same machine?

Not yet. Up until now this whole conversation is basically “what’s going on” with little “why” only after 25. post.

EDIT3: Actually this whole comment was stupid, because calmh was pointing out difficulty with 2 separate indexes and I didn’t understand what he meant.

I think calmh was (at the time he was writing that post) thinking that he hww shares his index between kubuntu and windows, but that is not the case. I also think that sharing index and config in this case would not help, because ST on windows would still have permission issues.

EDIT: If I would use such set up (dual boot) I would definitely (unless I encountered some issues) use of shared conf and index, because changing two conf files whenever I wanted to change some of ST settings would be annoying.

EDIT2: I didn’t realised conf file has paths using different folder separator (/ vs ) according to OS on which ST is used, so sharing conf file between windows and linux without parser of some kind isn’t possible. Sorry about confusion.

A shared index would be a recipe for disaster, I think. Syncthing would effectively see your entire set of files as disappearing at one path and re-appearing at another

According to a post (which I don’t find at the moment), the index has the file paths only relative to the “main folder path” in a neutral manner (/ vs. \).

So the index and the cert could/should be shared, while the config should not, as one of the systems would not be able to find the folder paths.

Aha, OK.

I think in index paths are saved relative to shared folder path, because when I shutdown ST, move shared folder and change path to it in config, start ST again everything works like nothing happened (I done this several times). Also in this case even paths to shared folders are same, because it is only one shared folder.

Yeah, that about sharing config file was stupid, I will edit that post.

@1138-4EB Thank you for pointing out the core of my problem. I’ve got the impression that my descriptions tend to contain too much words, so everyone looking at my question could have gone lost.

Eventually, I succeeded in solving the problem.

It wasn’t Windows that failed. It was myself with the setup of my file server. Its sole purpose is having it act as a Samba server. The file shares on that server are set up such that they can be accessed by everybody from everywhere within my intranet. Therefore, Samba assigns all files and folders to user ‘nobody’ and group ‘nogroup’.

On the other hand, Syncthing ran as root on the server, so all files and directories made up by ST belonged to ‘root/root’ which caused all of my troubles.

Yes, I learned than ST should not run as root, as @wweich first pointed out, not even on the file server. Therefore I made up a separate user ‘syncthing’ on my fileserver, sharing the UID of ‘nobody’. Starting ST under that account was the key to succes.

Now I’m enjoying a functioning setup of ST, meanwhile involving two desktop machines under Windows and the dual-booted laptop (Windows/Kubuntu) besides the Linux file server.

Thanks a lot to the developers of this fantastic tool, and to the helpful community. I’ll be staying tuned.

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