Rescan Interval on "passive" devices


I use Syncthing on a device which works as some kind of “server” (S) (24 / 7 on) for the other nodes. On that device I have set the rescan interval to 1 day, because no files in the Syncthing folders should be changed manually on the server. I assumed that the drives won’t go to idle mode, if they are rescanned every 60 seconds.

If I change a file on any client node © it is pushed to S immediately after the rescan interval on C and I’m totally fine with this behavior.

My question is, if it could cause any trouble (conflicts or so; I don’t know) with this high rescan intervals on S, or if high intervals are fine if there shouldn’t be any changed files on that device.

Thanks for your help.

If no files on the server are changed by the server, then you’re fine.

The rescan interval is only used to figure out that a file on the filesystem has changed, which Syncthing wouldn’t otherwise know about.

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