Installing Syncthing (arm release) on Synology

Hi, everybody, I bought new Synology NAS and trying to install Syncthing on it, by this insruction:

I have no Linux expirience and stuck on this: switch to user st with su -s /bin/ash st

i receive error: su: Permission denied

What can I do to fix this? both users are in Administrators group.

Found this: and this package is for my device (DS418): syncthing_rtd1296-6.1_0.14.43-14.spk

Long live open source!

afaik in current DSM versions, you can only login as admin, not as root. admin has no permission do run su, so you need to use sudo to elevate your permissions.

Thank you for your answer, can you please write a right string instead of “su -s /bin/ash st”?

should be sudo su -s /bin/ash st

Thank you, sir!

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