How can I make Syncthing recognize that the local files already exist?
We transferred initial data via rsync
Then we connected Syncthing (one send-only, one receive-only)
Now Syncthing tries to re-download files that are already present! I compared the checksums and they are identical, also permissions (777) and times are the same.
Do I need to start over or what can I do? We are talking about several TB of data half way round the world. So I really do not want to re-transfer of all of it…
No, this is downloading.
Have you verified that the path is right and that the files are definately there, as it looks like it’s downloading to a new location?
OK, started fresh. Both folders rescanned, checked permissions, paths, etc. Still Syncthing tries to re-download already existing files! At the same time rsync is totally happy… I’m a bit at loss as to what the cause of this is… Both nodes ignore permissions and both have large blocks enabled.
Well the file count definately does not match, do it’s probably just downloading the missings files and whatever your rsync did it didn’t do for all filez as the reported file count differs.
Yeah, that is true, we did not rsync everything. The very old archived files we expected Syncthing to pull over the coming days/weeks (file order “newest first”). But shouldn’t the global state numbers match?
No change of the situation. I restarted Syncthing a couple of times etc. I can pause Syncthing, run rsync (which is happy) and then start Syncthing again and it will start downloading existing files again… So either the WebGUI is reporting something that does not really happen or something else is screwed up here. I’m at loss at to what I should do now?
Kill Syncthing, let rsync do its job until everything is in sync (loosing the advantage of Syncthing being able to re-use existing blocks) and then try Syncthing again? I have larger installations where Syncthing works without a glitch…
The sync is unfortunately not completed, we still have 2TB outstanding. We were hoping that Syncthing would pull these files (newest first). It does so for roughly 15 minutes after a restart but then it starts downloading existing files.