(Jakob Borg)
November 16, 2015, 3:26pm
Yeah… It’s intentional, even though it looks weird, in that peaks higher than 500 joins/leaves per day are filtered out. These are artefacts from people upgrading and would basically just skew the graph scales to make the rest of the graph unreadable.
I thought the graph is based on the unique ID, which does not change during upgrading?
(Jakob Borg)
November 16, 2015, 8:01pm
It does, actually (in this case, not in a normal minor upgrade). But even so, as we turn off reporting during upgrade, the user needs to turn it on again to be counted in that chart.
November 16, 2015, 9:09pm
Thanks for the info! So far I have not seen the popup question in v0.12 - can anyone confirm that?
After updating my devices to v0.12 I was asked if I wanted to turn on Anonymous Usage Reporting.
Ah, now I understand, Thanks:
ReconnectIntervalS int `xml:"reconnectionIntervalS" json:"reconnectionIntervalS" default:"60"`
RelaysEnabled bool `xml:"relaysEnabled" json:"relaysEnabled" default:"true"`
RelayReconnectIntervalM int `xml:"relayReconnectIntervalM" json:"relayReconnectIntervalM" default:"10"`
RelayWithoutGlobalAnn bool `xml:"relayWithoutGlobalAnn" json:"relayWithoutGlobalAnn" default:"false"`
StartBrowser bool `xml:"startBrowser" json:"startBrowser" default:"true"`
UPnPEnabled bool `xml:"upnpEnabled" json:"upnpEnabled" default:"true"`
UPnPLeaseM int `xml:"upnpLeaseMinutes" json:"upnpLeaseMinutes" default:"60"`
UPnPRenewalM int `xml:"upnpRenewalMinutes" json:"upnpRenewalMinutes" default:"30"`
UPnPTimeoutS int `xml:"upnpTimeoutSeconds" json:"upnpTimeoutSeconds" default:"10"`
URAccepted int `xml:"urAccepted" json:"urAccepted"` // Accepted usage reporting version; 0 for off (undecided), -1 for off (permanently)
URUniqueID string `xml:"urUniqueID" json:"urUniqueId"` // Unique ID for reporting purposes, regenerated when UR is turned on.
URURL string `xml:"urURL" json:"urURL" default:""`
URPostInsecurely bool `xml:"urPostInsecurely" json:"urPostInsecurely" default:"false"` // For testing
URInitialDelayS int `xml:"urInitialDelayS" json:"urInitialDelayS" default:"1800"`
RestartOnWakeup bool `xml:"restartOnWakeup" json:"restartOnWakeup" default:"true"`
AutoUpgradeIntervalH int `xml:"autoUpgradeIntervalH" json:"autoUpgradeIntervalH" default:"12"` // 0 for off
KeepTemporariesH int `xml:"keepTemporariesH" json:"keepTemporariesH" default:"24"` // 0 for off
CacheIgnoredFiles bool `xml:"cacheIgnoredFiles" json:"cacheIgnoredFiles" default:"true"`
ProgressUpdateIntervalS int `xml:"progressUpdateIntervalS" json:"progressUpdateIntervalS" default:"5"`
SymlinksEnabled bool `xml:"symlinksEnabled" json:"symlinksEnabled" default:"true"`
LimitBandwidthInLan bool `xml:"limitBandwidthInLan" json:"limitBandwidthInLan" default:"false"`
if opts.URAccepted > 0 && opts.URAccepted < usageReportVersion {
l.Infoln("Anonymous usage report has changed; revoking acceptance")
opts.URAccepted = 0
opts.URUniqueID = ""
if opts.URAccepted >= usageReportVersion {
if opts.URUniqueID == "" {
// Previously the ID was generated from the node ID. We now need
// to generate a new one.
opts.URUniqueID = randomString(8)
// The usageReportingManager registers itself to listen to configuration
// changes, and there's nothing more we need to tell it from the outside.
// Hence we don't keep the returned pointer.
newUsageReportingManager(cfg, m)