
Hello, Syncthing asks me for authentication in my user interface and yet I have not configured a nickname or password. Here is my config.xml file relating to the GUI:

    <gui enabled="true" tls="false" debugging="false">

How can I do about fixing this ? Thank you for your help

If it’s asking to authenticate, then username and password must have been setup. The FAQ explains how to reset it.

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(Edited the original to actually show the config snippet)

Maybe you are looking at the wrong config file or not actually browsing to Syncthing (so something else is asking for authentication).

There might be a proxy asking for pw in between.

I do not understand. My syncthing configuration file can be found in $HOME/.config/synthing/config.xml In case there are more than one, I ran a search from my console which returned only one occurrence: the syncthing config.xml. In this file I only have one gui tag and I see all the shares with the other computers. In the UI I didn’t select the https, but it is selected. I did not select a password but it asks me to. Something is wrong.

I don’t have a proxy. I have a simple star configuration with a basic CISCO switch and a modem which provides me with my connection and which serves as my router. Everything was working fine until today.

That sounds like the config is indeed stored somewhere else. Check how Syncthing was started, e.g. ps auxf will show you command line options (look for a -home flag) and parent process.

Here is my console when I run syncthing, here are the lines I have. These are not all the lines but I have posted the ones that seem to mean something. ps auxf command does not have a home line :

[BS45V] 12:00:40 INFO: Ready to synchronize "CRYSTAL PAIE" (uy4av-x7bti) (sendreceive)
[BS45V] 12:00:40 INFO: Listen (BEP/quic): listen udp bind: address already in use
[BS45V] 12:00:40 INFO: c.S.listenerSupervisor: Failed service 'quic://' (1.000000 failures of 2.000000), restarting: true, error: "{quic:// quic://} returned unexpectedly", stacktrace: [unknown stack trace]
[BS45V] 12:00:40 INFO: Listen (BEP/quic): listen udp bind: address already in use
[BS45V] 12:00:40 INFO: c.S.listenerSupervisor: Failed service 'quic://' (1.999999 failures of 2.000000), restarting: true, error: "{quic:// quic://} returned unexpectedly", stacktrace: [unknown stack trace]
[monitor] 12:00:51 INFO: Syncthing exited: exit status 1
[monitor] 12:00:52 WARNING: 4 restarts in 13.919951646s; not retrying further

And that corroborates again what everyone is saying: There’s another Syncthing instance running (“address already in use”). Check for running Syncthing processes as suggested above please.

“Check for running Syncthing processes as suggested above please” what can I do this ? Here is all my processes.processes (22.9 KB)

Syncthing is running as root, spawned by PID 1, so most likely a systemd service. Everything else depends on your setup and what you want to do. If this info doesn’t help you fix it yourself, please provide as much info as might be relevant about your setup and how you start Syncthing (and what you did recently).

Here is my only config.xml file in my computer. I changed the IDS config.xml (17 KB)

Is it possible to stop the automatic launch of syncthing?

I come back again to give you an account of what I did. I killed killed all processes that used syncthing. I found two. I killed them with the pkill -TERM syncthing command. I restarted my server and opened my browser at and got the same authentication message: “ is requesting your username and password . The site says: Authorization Required”. Something more serious, the server seems to have changed identifier. In my laptop I receive a request to add a new device which is located at the same address as the server, ie Is this normal?

And did you double-check that there are no syncthing processes running afterwards? Running pkill doesn’t guarantee that the processes exited.

If you have verified there are no syncthing processes running, and you still get an auth prompt, then it’s probably some other application taking that port.

You can figure it out by running netstat -tulpn as root, which lists pids/process names and ports they are listening on.

Something more serious, the server seems to have changed identifier. In my laptop I receive a request to add a new device which is located at the same address as the server, ie Is this normal?

Here is what was generated by netstat : netstat (3.3 KB)

Well you haven’t killed syncthing, as it’s still visible in netstat output.

I suspect you sending pkill does nothing if syncthing is started via systemd, as systemd just restarts it after you kill it.

Here is the netstat output after killing syncthing processes : netstat_2 (2.6 KB)

Are you logged in as root? I suspect not. As I wrote before, in the first list of processes you sent Syncthing was running as root, so killing it as a normal user wont do anything. Neither should you kill it - I suggest you take a step back. Think about how you normally/initial run Syncthing and try to write that up such that someone else understands it (this might help: