Adding device from Android

I downloaded Syncthing on my Windows PC and my Android phone. It worked fine on PC, but I can’t find how to add my PC from the Android. I clicks on the button for adding unit, but when I have wrote the Device ID and name, there is no button to continue. Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?

Please make sure you’re using the newest version of the Android app (as there was a problem recently with “invisible” buttons). Otherwise, you can always just open the Web GUI (using the left slide-out menu) and utilise the same interface as on the Windows PC to interact with Syncthing.

For folks that may stumble on this before you get the updated version:

The “Accept” button is top right of the Add Device dialog. If you turn on Dark Mode it should become visible, or just tap towards the top right of the screen.

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Thanks a lot, that worked perfectly!

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As already mentioned above, the button is there but it’s currently invisible due to a bug. This is going to be fixed in the next stable release. For now, you either need to try clicking the invisible button or open the Web GUI from the left slide-out menu and add the folder from there.

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