Won't restart after error

I keep getting this error even after restarting: folder “SyncThing” (tnnjs-xxxxx) is delta index compatible, but seems out of sync with reality

I’ve seen other posts with this error, but this does not correct itself. Any suggestions?

Whats the actual problem other than the message?

Well, the latest errors are: [HOWD3] 20:35:53 INFO: Listen (BEP/tcp): TLS handshake: tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake

[HOWD3] 20:35:59 INFO: Listen (BEP/tcp): TLS handshake: tls: client offered an unsupported, maximum protocol version of 301

[HOWD3] 20:35:59 INFO: Listen (BEP/tcp): TLS handshake: tls: client offered an unsupported, maximum protocol version of 300

[HOWD3] 20:35:59 INFO: Listen (BEP/tcp): TLS handshake: remote error: tls: protocol version not supported

[HOWD3] 20:35:59 INFO: Listen (BEP/tcp): TLS handshake: tls: unsupported SSLv2 handshake received

You’ve misconfigured something as its receiving connections from something that is not syncthing.

Yes, you’re right. So I deleted the .config/syncthing directory and restarted syncthing on both machines. However, it seems to always force me into ‘syncing’ something like ~/SyncThing – I can’t get it to sync the right directories on each end.

What do you mean by force you, the path is editable when you add a folder.

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