Is written that the timestamp of directory is not preserved. Why is this so? Is this technical not possible? Is it by design? Is it just not implemented now?
For me the timestamp is a important metadata, I use syncthing to manage my personal archive reaching back till 1998. Losing all directory timestamp is not a good thing. I tried dropbox and Google Drive. Both are not able to preserved timestamp of directory. (Using Isync under Linux)
I guess @calmh has more insight about this, but he’s currently away. The problem was a bug in the stdlib in Go 1.2, but it seems to be solved now, hence you might be able to convince @calmh to accept a pull request adding this functionality back in.
The short answer is that attempting to maintain directory timestamps sucks and is impossible[1] to get to work in a foolproof manner. The bar is high for including it again, as it introduces a fair bit of complexity and probably won’t work as reliably as you’d like anyway…
Thanks for this comment. I don’t know if I am able to get It work, not beeing a programming wizard, but there is too a time issue. Also I don’t know Go, just python. So I think about it.
I had the idea to program just a workaround, a local script, which recursively set the timestamp of a folder to the latest timestamp of the containing files.