Where to find the "integrated functionality of syncthing-inotify"

v0.14.45, Windows (64 bit) -> https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing-inotify

As of version v0.14.40, the functionality of syncthing-inotify is integrated in Syncthing and can be enabled in the advanced configuration menu for individual folders."

Hate to say it - but I cannot find it or don’t know what to look after

“Fs Watcher Enabled” in your right-hand screenshot.

Better UI is on its way, I promise…


Thanks Now -, what about the Rescan Intervals? I mean… Syncthing will now do the “near real-time synchronisation” so the Rescan Intervals seems now to be unnecessary or what?

PS its correct that you do not provide documentation for the advanced configuration (I don’t mean to stress you :face_with_raised_eyebrow:)? https://docs.syncthing.net/users/advanced.html#per-folder-settings

I guess there is a difference between “Rescan Intervals” (in the folder config) and the “Fs Watcher Delay” (in the advanced config).

For my understanding, the “Rescan Intervals” will scan periodicly the whole folder, where the “Fs Watcher Delay” will ask the Filesystem what and if changes a happened.

But thats a guess.

I also guess, that if syncthing was not running the last 3 days, the only way to know if something changed, is to scan the entire folder, because inotify does not keep a log which syncthing can or will access…

But thats a guess too.

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That sounds likely

This means that you should also reduce/lower the “Rescan Intervals” to reduce the CPU load

Syncthing will now do the “near real-time synchronisation” so the Rescan Intervals seems now to be unnecessary or what?

The rescan interval is automatically adjusted to account for the fact that the filesystem watcher is enabled. You don’t need to adjust it yourself (the new UI, when it’s released, shows this more clearly).

PS its correct that you do not provide documentation for the advanced configuration (I don’t mean to stress you :face_with_raised_eyebrow:)? Advanced Configuration — Syncthing v1 documentation

Yes. You shouldn’t be touching this section unless you already know what you’re doing. Anything an average user should be adjusting is in the normal settings areas, and is documented.

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There already is a brief explanation in the config part of the docs: https://docs.syncthing.net/users/config.html#folder-element A little more explanation is pending: https://github.com/syncthing/docs/pull/379

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But I can see, that the rescannings interval is still the same?

I have done several restart of the computer and Syncthing, but it (enabling the Filesystem Watcher) does not seem to have any effect on the rescannings interval which was set for the folder

Wouldn’t you post either something like this ? Scans-fsWatchStatus

where Analyses/Surveillance french translation stands for current english string Rescans, and Désactivé for Disabled. The question is “Is the displayed interval updated as it grows when fsWatcher doesn’t report activity in local folder, instead of default starting value?” IIRC, I read somewhere that default starting value is 60mn (1h)

No There is no effect on the rescanings value even though the "fsWatcher doesn’t (OR shouldn’t) report activity in the local folder. HEre it will still scan every three minutes no mater what


No matter what …? what is the value set for rescans in Edit folder setting?

180 s AKA 3 minuts

If you enabled it manually (and that was the only way for a while), then the interval won’t automatically change and you have to adjust it.

Okay that was what I was trying to say for about 4 days ago :wink:


but this was discouraged

Now Audrius say I should do that and thanks for that - cause it make sense for me Could I then change it to one hour or what? any suggest?

PS I do not hope that I seem ungrateful - I’m glad for all the answers

I’d give a try with 1h : when I tried fsWatcher a while ago I wasn’t aware 1h would be the new default, so I disabled scanInterval (set to 0) but I met an issue then I forgave the test.

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There are some things that are not picked up by the watcher, iirc - like permission only changes. Hence the need for a regular scan now and then.

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Shouldn’t users (on Linux at least) be adviced to increase fs.inotify.max_user_watches for syncthing-inotify to be efficient? The default is pretty low. Crashplan advices to increase this by several orders of magnitude - on my system it’s at more than a million right now.

We do advise, but only when we hit the limit.

Is it still safe to use the external syncthing-inotify or should I migrate to using the internal stuff?

I don’t see anything that would be unsafe, there’s just no development there anymore.

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