Whatsapp folder synchronization constantly breaking due to an error

Hi, I’m using SyncTrayzor v1.1.21 based on Syncthing v0.14.48 on my Windows laptop & Syncthing v0.10.2 on Android. I’m using Syncthing to keep 20+ folders synchronized between my Windows laptop & Android phone. Everything works fine, but for about a month, the Whatsapp folder that I’ve setup to syncronise with my PC is constantly getting paused due to errors. I tried removing & re-adding the folder to Syncthing, that works for a while but the error just reappears again after a few days. I’m looking for a permanent fix for this, would appreciate any help.

Error screenshot - Here

Syncthing log:

[PEYP2] 14:04:02 INFO: Puller (folder “WhatsApp” (ax4kw-mkwyv), file “.Shared\TyYHRxOb+riE9P7Noan0Ss3yMDW8zKuIGRdg7SRc8I0=.enc.tmp”): delete file: exit status 2 [PEYP2] 14:04:02 INFO: Puller (folder “WhatsApp” (ax4kw-mkwyv), file “.Shared\TyYHRxOb+riE9P7Noan0Ss3yMDW8zKuIGRdg7SRc8I0=.tmp”): delete file: exit status 2 [PEYP2] 14:04:03 INFO: Folder “WhatsApp” (ax4kw-mkwyv) isn’t making progress. Pausing puller for 1h4m0s. [PEYP2] 14:06:02 INFO: Established secure connection to EF4R6FX at [fe80::1c20:65e6:cdb8:fee%Wi-Fi]:57355-[fe80::3aa4:edff:fee7:5e35%Wi-Fi]:48728/tcp-client (TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) [PEYP2] 14:06:02 INFO: Device EF4R6FX client is “syncthing v0.14.42” named “Phone BG” at [fe80::1c20:65e6:cdb8:fee%Wi-Fi]:57355-[fe80::3aa4:edff:fee7:5e35%Wi-Fi]:48728/tcp-client

The error is seen on which side?

Error is shown on SyncTrayzor v1.1.21 based on Syncthing v0.14.48 on my Windows 10 laptop. No error shown by Syncthing on Android 7.1.2 phone.

Do you have some fancy versioning setup? Is it possible that the files are deleted by whatsapp on the deskop?

I also wasn’t successful to sync WhatsApp’s constantly changing encrypted database backups located on /storage/emulated/0/WhatsApp

I do have external file versioning setup on my Windows PC that involves a bat file that sends files to recycle bin on being deleted/replaced with a newer version. But files on the Whatsapp folder are not being modified on Windows. They are untouched for the most part, occasionally I view my Whatsapp images/videos on Windows but that’s about it.

I don’t have any file versioning setup on my Android phone. The Whatsapp app modifies the Whatsapp folder on my phone.

Versioning happens when a remote device modifies a file, we make a local copy of it into the versions directory, so android is changing that file, yet your bat script on windows fails to version that file, hence the process fails.

Fix your bat script.

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