warning: no write access to daemon binary: skipping update check. manjaro xfce


i got error: warning: no write access to daemon binary: skipping update check. manjaro xfce

but i want syncthing to be up to date. but system denied it to access to the parent directory. hence it didn’t do update check.

i am using syncthing-gtk , downloaded from manjaro repo.

i have "keep syncthing binary up-to-date " option ticked.

syncthing binary location: /usr/bin/syncthing

*this binary location is by default, i didn’t modify it.

what should i do ? is there way to allow access to that specific folder only ?


I think it’s packages oversight. They should either place it where it’s writable and keep build in self-update functionality, or disable self-update functionality and update it via the OS package manager. Suggest you take the issue to their tracker.

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