visual cues for sync progress in mac os menu bar

Hey! Might be dumb, but it would be cool to see a little green, blue, or red dot on the syncthing logo in the menu bar, as a visual cue that everything is synced, syncing, or there is a problem (respectively,) instead of having to open the web interface to see that info.

Just an idea!

There are several Syncthing β€œtray” options out there (they act as wrappers, essentially, for the core Syncthing application). What OS or OSes are you using Syncthing with?

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Mac OS Sonoma.

Take a look at GitHub - syncthing/syncthing-macos: Official frugal and native macOS Syncthing application bundle and GitHub - Martchus/syncthingtray: Tray application and Dolphin/Plasma integration for Syncthing β€” the latter seems quite popular. I choose not to use a tray for Syncthing, so I have no personal experience with either.