v1.7.0 Attempting to open folders that do not exist

Unable to sync a folder due to failed items, but the failed items do not exist on any device in any form. Windows 10 x64

It’s a permission issue, as the logs state.

How do I resolve permission issues on folders that do not exist? I have checked all devices for hidden items, I cannot find these folders anywhere.

Do you mean to say that the redacted user name doesn’t exist? Otherwise I would guess that the user directory or documents directory are the ones giving permission denied.

I am experiencing the same thing since 1.7.0.

I’m sharing my Windows userprofile folder, which worked fine for many months. Since 1.7.0 I’m also getting exactly 13 Permission Denied errors on folders that cannot be normally seen in the Windows Explorer. That is, unless you enable “show system files” - then you can see the folders, but accessing them is not possible.

I fixed this by adding the problematic folders to the ignores. My best guess is that these are protected directory junctions/links (or similar) which are hidden to the user, but visible to applications. Syncthing previously ignored such junctions/links, but the new directory junction logic on 1.7.0 caused Syncthing to now attempt to walk these folders, which seems to not work.

For me the affected folders (see below) are all folders that seem to exist elsewhere, under different names, which assures my assumption that these items are some kind of filesystem hacks made by Windows.

The affected folders are (all relative to the userprofile folder)

Eigene Dateien
Lokale Einstellungen

Those folders are only visible when configuring the Explorer to show system files. They do not show when configuring the Explorer to show hidden files, which means these junctions have both the hidden & system file flag bit set. Accessing these junctions is apparently not possible - I’ve no idea why, or why they are there.

Anyway, to reiterate: Ignoring them fixed the issue and so far I haven’t seen any downsides.

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Ah, now I see. These are very well hidden indeed.

All three shortcuts have no target, they are apparently some kind of compatibility workaround: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/locked-shortcuts-to-my-pictures-my-music-and-my/7600e47a-bb6e-4312-9450-7bdadaf62ce6

Well, I will adopt the same solution as the poster above although I hope that Syncthing can account for these idiosyncrasies in the future.

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Windows Explorer cannot access these junctions, but alternative file managers (e.g. Directory Opus) can.

%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Music links to %USERPROFILE%\Music, %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Pictures to %USERPROFILE%\Pictures and %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Videos to %USERPROFILE%\Videos.

They are remnants from Windows XP, and likely kept around for potential compatibility with older software.

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That sounds like a very good guess. We’d have ignored those automatically before as part of dropping all junctions.

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