Updated - Folders gone

Currently I’m using Syncthing on 2 Macs, both running Sonoma. Syncthing was at v1.25.0 for both Macs. Then I got a notice about a new version within the past day or two and I installed it. Now, on that system, no folders show up on the web interface and the page keeps reloading. Both Macs were set to share the same folders and files. Here’s a screenshot of the machine I updated:

And here’s a screenshot of the other system that has not yet been upgraded: The first machine, the upgraded one, should be showing the same folder list as the 2nd system, but it’s not.

Is this a bug? Something I didn’t handle properly during the upgrade? I’ve restarted multiple times on the non-working machine and it hasn’t helped.

Please check https://forum.syncthing.net/t/syncthing-1-26-problem-with-login/21050. In short, you need to clean cookies in your browser.

Tried. Chrome still seems to have that nasty change from a few years ago: Delete all cookies or don’t delete them. I used a Remove Cookies plugin that’s always worked. It didn’t. I got a new extension that’s supposed to let you clear cookies for a website and when I tried that on my localhost for Syncthing, it said there were no cookies from that site.

Also, the referenced thread is about signing in. I can sign in - it’s just once I sign in, I get nothing - no useable information at all. I can’t even tell if Syncthing is working on this computer at this point without making test files and so on.

It’s likely still the same culprit (see https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/9208). Please try opening the GUI using an incognito window or in a completely different browser and see what happens there.

Yes, I can open it in Incognito.

I’ll agree with one comment on GitHub, that it seems like it might be a race condition.

I’m having another issue and I don’t know if it’s related. I have two systems that use Syncthing (for now). One is Aule, which is the updated one, and one is Cirdan, at 1.25. On Aule, in Incognito mode, it says Cirdan is up to date. On Cirdan, it has said Aule is only at 59% updated and it’s stayed at that point for over an hour. I’m syncing a total of 373MB of files, most of which rarely need to be updated from one system to another. (I’ve restarted both Syncthing instances several times - no effect.)

Does that sound like it might be related? I don’t think so, since this issue seems to be related to the web interface and the other, the static update status, seems to be something else.

I had v1.24 in my Downloads folder. (This is the kind of thing that got me used to always saving recent versions when I download programs!) I installed it over 1.26, then checked and all worked well.

After it was working and I verified it, I was curious, so I downloaded 1.26 and installed it directly (not through any upgrade process). It’s working okay now.

I don’t know if that’s a data point worth bringing up on GitHub while they’re working the bug out or not. (Maybe during an upgrade, something is leftover from 1.25?)

Also, still wondering if the frozen update process from one system to another is related or if I should bring that up in another topic.

Sounds like an unrelated issue.

Thanks. That was my guess, but just wanted another opinion, in case it might be related to something I wasn’t seeing.

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