update error from syncthing-macos

I’m using syncthing-macos 1.6.1-1. When I click on the “Check for updates” button in the About, I get a window saying

Update Error! An error occurred in retrieving update information. Please try again later. with a button labeled “Cancel Update”

Where can I find more information about what is going wrong? Can I just manually install the latest release, or should I go through the releases between what I have and the latest?

I broke the upgrade URL when I moved it the other day. I think I fixed it now. Sorry.

Fetching the appcast from syncthing-macos v1.21.0-1 works fine. The URL where this version looks is https://upgrades.syncthing.net/syncthing-macos/appcast.xml

For v1.6.1-1 this version is old (3 june 2020). It also seems to point to the same “check for updates” URL.

It depends which macOS version you are using, I broke the auto-update in between some versions. But you would be better of to download manually the latest (when supported).

Hope this helps!

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Heh, there is no error anymore. It tells me that 1.6.1-1 is the latest version! I guess that is within major releases only?

I did want to confirm that it should be OK to go straight from 1.6 to 1.21.0. Versus going through each major release in-between?

As far as “when supported” goes, I guess you mean the MacOS version? I just upgraded to 12.6 (Monterey), which is what prompted all of this. 1.6 seems to be working the same so far.

You should be good to go from syncthing 1.6 to 1.22
