TrueNAS <-> MacOS permission altering


when I create a file sync’ed between my Mac and TrueNAS Scale, the permissions are altered.

TrueNAS is running Syncthing 1.29.2 and I have a shared Folder on a Dataset using NFSv4 ACL using the default syncthing settings. The Dataset has the ‘Full Access’ permissions for the local ‘syncthing’ user. The syncthing app is running with as ‘syncthing’(3001) and group ‘apps’(568)

On Mac 15.2 I have syncthing 1.29.2-1 installed and sync’ed the shared folder. All with default settings.

Now the situation: When I create a file on the mac using ‘touch myfile’, the file has permissions rw-r–r-- and gets sync’ed to TrueNAS with permissions rwxr–r–. And those permissions get sync’ed back to the mac.

Is this is intended behaviour or a wrong config or maybe a bug? Any help would be much appreciated.


Because macOS and TrueNAS Scale are different operating systems, generally speaking it’s best to enable “Ignore Permissions” for the Syncthing folder (Edit → Advanced) because there isn’t all that much overlap between the two permissions systems.

With regards to the user execute bit being enabled for new files on the TrueNAS Scale host side, it’s not Syncthing that’s adding it. TrueNAS Scale runs user added apps in containers, so you’ll have to review the umask settings in both your Syncthing container and the host OS.

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