Tray icon on Windows XP

Hello, There is an old computer with Athlon XP 1500+ CPU which is non-SSE, I installed Syncthing 1.0.1 on this computer to share an specifc folder with another devices. When I start syncthing, cmd window will show up and after 1-2 minutes sync being started. But I should keep this cmd window open all the time.

There is any way that force this cmd window or syncthing process going to the system tray or hide this as a system service?

There is any GTK version that supports Windows XP? I searched but just find out syncthing github releases 1.0.1 and 1.0.0 that working on xp but there is no gtk.

As a temporary solution I set a shortcut for syncthing at startup and set it to run as minimized window but it’s a little strange.

Thank you

I suggest you try out SyncTrayzor. I love it. But seriously, Windows XP…? :slight_smile:

“SyncTrayzor is a little tray utility for Syncthing on Windows. It hosts and wraps Syncthing, making it behave more like a native Windows application and less like a command-line utility with a web browser interface.”

If you would just like to hide the CMD window, you only need to start Syncthing with -no-console, e.g. syncthing.exe -no-console. Also, you may want to check

I have a feeling that SyncTrayzor, and especially its built-in browser, will not work in Windows XP anymore. The hardware sounds too old for any newer, supported version of Windows, so I personally would try to run some kind of a lightweight Linux distribution on it.


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