The mysterious Icon file

I have a failed item called Icon on my Android peer.


I have tried to add the pattern to .stignore on all my peers, and the fail persists. (I probably only need it on the device it’s being synced from?)

Here’s my Android peer .stignore:

.obsidian-mobile Icon *.git .obsidian.vimrc

Here’s desktop:

.git .gitignore **.DS_Store *.obsidian-mobile Icon

I could not find the file in the directory on the desktop either. Just to be clear, the error is for getting the file from desktop to Android.

The file is more mysterious than it appears. It’s actually named ”Icon\r” (that’s a carriage return at the end of the name). You can match this in your ignore file by Icon?.


I figured later on it’s the icon file for the folder on Mac. I guess it’s considered as a regular directory file and the software is trying to sync it across peers.

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