Synology NAS Setup

So I have everything setup on my Synology NAS, but was only able to accomplish this by finding this blog as documentation: Installing Syncthing on Synology with DSM 7.

Looking for more concrete documentation (it has to exist, right?) I broadened my Google search and found Permission denied - Synology NAS - #2 by acolomb.

@acolomb, you mention that there is documentation on the setup process via Synocommunity, however I can’t find it on the primary website or via GitHub.

Would anyone be able to provide me the official documentation on this? I’d prefer to bookmark that instead of a blog post or support forum topic.

Thank you!

Syncthing’s official documentation is very thorough with regards to setting up Syncthing itself – but if I correctly understand your quest – you’re really searching for documentation that includes the external bits and pieces (e.g. app install, permissions, …) on a Synology NAS in order to actually make use of Syncthing.

It’s complicated because of the variety of NAS models and versions of DSM. Same goes for other NAS vendors and the various turnkey OSes (e.g. FreeNAS, TrueNAS, Unraid, …), It’s also a similar situation for Windows, macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, Android, iOS and other OS platforms.

I’m not even sure it’s practical to maintain documentation that adequately covers that many use cases as part of Syncthing’s official documentation – especially without access to the devices to test and document the procedures.

If I recall correctly, there have been discussions on this forum about a shared wiki, but it would take a lot of contributors who have the devices to make the time to maintain the documentation.

(At my employer, I write a lot of the documentation. By far the hardest thing has been keeping it up to date as the software changes. The second hardest thing is that there’s always a group of users who need much more guidance than others and sometimes it seems like no amount of instructions is enough.)

I cannot recall any more elaborate documentation about the SynoCommunity Syncthing SPK and its setup process specifically, sorry. It’s a wizard that guides you through the most important questions, and that’s really not much to answer. It mainly presets some values for Syncthing’s configuration, which is documented here: Syncthing Configuration — Syncthing documentation

As for generic installation instructions and hints about installing SynoCommunity DSM packages, see their Wiki: Home · SynoCommunity/spksrc Wiki · GitHub

Do you have any specific questions we could try to answer directly?

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