SyncthingHider - Hide Syncthing in notification area

SyncthingHider is a program to hide Syncthing console in notification area. It was made with AutoHotkey with few lines of code so it is very light and you can easily modify it by yourself.

Put “SyncthingHider.exe” in the same folder as “syncthing.exe” and run “SyncthingHider.exe”. You can copy parameters from another installation by copying your config files to the “config” folder that is created by SyncthingHider. A left click on the icon will show the web interface and a right click will show a menu where you can show the console or exit Syncthing. Minimizing the console will hide it again.

You can download it here:

FYI, there is a -no-console option.

Without knowing exactly what Process, Close, syncthing.exe does (although the docs suggest it forcibly terminates the process) be aware that forcibly terminating Syncthing can lead to database corruption.

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Hi, thanks for the feedback. I will investigate and see if there is a more friendly way of exiting Syncthing.

EDIT: I changed the way syncthing is closed to avoid database corrutption

(btw, the safest way to shutdown Synchthing is through the REST API)