Syncthing v0.14.8


This is a minor release recommended for all users.

The main change here is to handle issues with the new SHA256 implementation introduced in 0.14.7. When using the monitor process (which is the default) crashes will be detected and the new hashing package disabled. A manual selection can also be forced by setting the environment variable STHASHING to either minio (the new package) or standard (the default Go package).

Resolved issues:

  • #3613: The monitor process now detects crashes due to the new hashing package and disables it on subsequent launch.
  • #3614: The two hash packages are benchmarked on startup and the fastest on is selected.
  • #3588: Folders are now correctly shown as out of sync when they miss only deleted files.
  • #3578: UPnP handling is corrected in the case where more than one router is detected.
  • #3639: Patterns with terminal slash (e.g., “dir/”) now correctly ignore directory contents.