Syncthing v0.13.0-beta.3 - please test!

Syncthing v0.13.0 isn’t released yet, but these notes are valid for the development builds and betas in the meantime and give an overview of what to expect from the actual release.

Upgrade Notes

:bangbang: Not protocol compatible with v0.12.x.

:bangbang: The database format has changed. It will be migrated without rescan on first startup, but the first startup may take longer than usual.

:package: Download the release packages manually here. This beta release is not available vi apt-get, but there are Debian packages here.

:arrow_down: You can downgrade again by simply running the latest v0.12 release. If there have been many changes since the upgrade to v0.13 there may be sync conflicts, as the v0.12 format database hasn’t been updated.

There are probably more changes to come. Do not run this release unless you’re willing to participate in experimenting.

Relevant changes since beta.2

  • Implement temporary indexes (fixes #950)
  • Add NAT-PMP support (ref #698)
  • Add option for overwriting names on connect (fixes #2912)

Important Changes and Improvements

:heavy_check_mark: Temporary Indexes

Devices now announce files that are in progress of being downloaded, in addition to those that are already complete. This means a device can serve parts of a file to other devices before it has completed the download itself.

(Thanks @AudriusButkevicius )

:books: Documentation to update

  • Specs (BEP)
  • “Configuration” article, adds new config fields

:heavy_check_mark: Folder Labels

Folder labels are now distinct from the folder ID. The intention is for the label to be human readable and for the ID to be machine readable and unique. When upgrading, folder IDs are not changed. However when creating new folders Syncthing will suggest a random, unique folder ID.

(Thanks @lkwg82)

:books: Documentation to update

  • Specs (BEP)
  • Getting started guide
  • “Configuration” article, adds new config fields

:heavy_check_mark: Identification of Connections from Unknown Devices

When receiving a connection attempt from an unknown device Syncthing will now show the name of that device, not only it’s ID.

(Thanks @AudriusButkevicius )

:books: Documentation to update

  • Specs (BEP)

Minor Changes and Improvements

  • NAT-PMP support. Syncthing will now manage port mappings on NAT-PMP compliant routers, in addition to the existing UPnP support.

  • Ignored files can now be tagged with the prefix (?d) to indicate that Syncthing may delete these files if they remain when deleting a directory. Ignore patterns use less memory by default.

    • :books: Requires documentation update!
  • The address for sync connections, both the listening side and for remote devices, can now be made IPv4- or IPv6-only. Use the tcp4:// or tcp6:// schemes to specify one or the other. The default tcp:// is still dual stack.

  • The folder settings dialog has been cleaned up.

Things That May Yet Be Included

:grey_question: New, Smarter File Puller


:grey_question: Integrated Filesystem Notification Watcher



upgraded from beta.2+whatevercommit :smiley:

one thing that could be added under minor changes and improvements: startup is faster (around 10min compared to up to 30min on my old raspberry pi 1)

Much as I’d like to take credit for that, I suspect it’s only an effect of whether the database needed compaction or not at startup. :confused:

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wasn’t there some test removed I think?

No I had to reintroduce that because it did more than I thought at first glance. :slight_smile:

I’ve created containers for testing here: djtm/syncthing-scratch-$arch:0.13.0-beta.3, e.g. djtm/syncthing-scratch-amd64:0.13.0-beta.3.

For details please see


No issues so far, running on Linux x86, x64 and W10

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I’ve released 0.7.18-beta0 which includes Syncthing v0.13.0-beta.3. Please open an issue if you encounter any problems.