I am using syncthing tray on my pc and syncthing-fork on my 2 handheld devices. All devices connected but syncing is stuck at 0% for the odin2 portal and retroid pocket 5.
Tried rescanning, tried restarting. No change.
Appreciate your help.
I am using syncthing tray on my pc and syncthing-fork on my 2 handheld devices. All devices connected but syncing is stuck at 0% for the odin2 portal and retroid pocket 5.
Tried rescanning, tried restarting. No change.
Appreciate your help.
The superscript “1” next to the folder names indicates that you haven’t accepted those folders on the remote device. If you don’t see any pop-ups in the Web GUI asking you to add them there, then please check in Actions → Settings if you haven’t ignored them, e.g. by mistake.
Ok I see the prompts in the drop down menu on the android devices and I clicked on them. Now the folders are synced but the problem is I have 3 different folders rather them being synced in 1. Should I rename the folders and change paths? Thanks
I got it working! Thanks so much!