Syncthing over Tor

How to let Syncthing route all WAN traffics to Tor, but not route LAN traffics?

Syncthing looks for peer Devices to sync with. It can discover peers itself on the local LAN, and can discover peers via Global Discovery. Local Discovery documentation is at Local Discovery Protocol v4 — Syncthing documentation , and the Global Discovery documentation is at Global Discovery v3 — Syncthing documentation .

I’m not aware of a way to make Syncthing work over Tor. Depending on your OS there might be a way to install a Tor proxy for Syncthing’s traffic, but I don’t know how to do that. Access to Tor is usually via a web browser, Syncthing doesn’t use a browser for connections to other Syncthing Devices.

It’s pretty easy to configure Syncthing to work over a VPN, or over the LAN, or both. Would a VPN work for your use case?

You need the SOCKS5 proxy feature and connect Syncthing via SOCKS5 to your Tor proxy daemon.



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