Syncthing over I2p

Is it currently possible to use Syncthing over i2p?

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I don’t know what l2p is, and I am not really invested in learning, but you can always configure syncthing to use static IP addresses which I assume l2p supports.

Discovery, relays, etc is unlikely to work in the l2p network.

It appears that I2P supports Syncthing:

I am also very pleased to state Whonix continues to have a segment concerning Syncthing over I2P: Invisible Internet Project (I2P)

However, I would be more than curious to hear if these still function for users.

Thanks for updating the thread with solid information. I wasn’t looking for it but seen the thread and wanted to say that everything works over i2p as long as both ends are configured for it, as it is just another way to route normal traffic… has nothing to do with the actual traffic being routed.
