Syncthing not running in MacOS Sierra Beta

It is now possible to install/bootstrap Go 1.7rc5 with homebrew again on 10.12, using brew install go --devel. But all other formulas (syncthing, synching-inotify, godep) still require stable Go (of course) and fail.

If you are stupid and mistake this for braveness like me, you can switch the labels for “devel” and “stable” in the go.rb formula and things might just work…

(don’t do this unless you are desperate, you will have to restore this change after every brew update, although homebrew is nice enough to git stash it before update)

(if godep complains about not finding dependencies, try reinstalling godep)

A simpler way without editing formulas is

  • install Go with brew install go --devel
  • install synching brew install syncthing --ignore-dependencies --env=std
  • optionally do the same for godeps and syncthing-inotify and other Go stuff in homebrew you might need.

Or, probably much simpler still, just download and build Syncthing according to our standard instructions.

The dev build linked at the top of the page is now built with Go 1.7 and should thus work on Sierra.


I can confirm that this is working for macOS Sierra Beta 6!

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Can confirm this fixes issues with MacOS Sierra GM.

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