syncthing-inotify indexing change [.stfolder] every hour


syncting is still causing a spinup, even when nothing is changed.

[OK] 10:42:38 Syncthing is indexing change in folder1: [.stfolder] [OK] 11:05:19 Syncthing is indexing change in folder2: [.stfolder] [OK] 11:05:20 Syncthing is indexing change in default: [.stfolder]

[OK] 11:42:34 Syncthing is indexing change in folder1: [.stfolder] [OK] 12:05:15 Syncthing is indexing change in folder2: [.stfolder] [OK] 12:05:16 Syncthing is indexing change in default: [.stfolder]

It is syncthing and syncthing-inotify installed at the device and the rescan intervall is set to "rescanIntervalS=“1440” on every folder in the config file.

Why is syncthing reindexing?


First 1440 seconds are 24 minutes, so you should complain that it is taking longer to rescan ;).

syncthing-inotify sets the next rescan to 3600 seconds, so in case it misses something, the folder will rescan an hour later.

If you want a full rescan once a day, you should set the scandelay for syncthing-inotify to 0 and the folder rescan setting to 86400.


Ok, I thought minutes … config file changed.

According to syncthing-inotify -help, I need to use: syncthing-inotify -delay-scan=“0”

Testing this now.

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