I’ve succesfully installed Syncthing on my VPS based on CentOS 6.8, and it works if I simply run the command from the terminal. I can connect to the server and to the Syncthing panel through the port I’ve configured.
What I don’t know how to do is making it work as a service. The systemctl command is not available on CentOS 6.8, it’s part of systemd, and I must write a init script that I can use through chkconfig.
I’ve tried a few I’ve seen for Debian/Ubuntu, but of course they don’t work. I was wondering if someone could have a valid script to enable this.
Thanks. I’m trying to install runit but I’m not sure I’m doing it right. I’ve tried to compile it without success -I’m much more confident with Debian systems- but at the end I’ve used an RPM package. Then I’ve cloned this https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/tree/master/etc/linux-runit but I’m not sure either if this will work. In fact, I’m affraid restarting my server in order to let runit place itself as process number 1 -I understand this is what is does- could break things in my system, and I’ve got several websites hosted here.
Is there some guide (link) where I could follow more precise instructions?
You should not replace your init with runit. I was hoping there would be a package. I have no experience with CentOS so perhaps my suggestion was a bad one.