Syncthing has stopped working on one machine

This morning I noticed that the SyncThing icon in the menu of my Macbook Pro was in the status indicating that it was updating. Usually this is a quick affair but I noticed that it was going on far longer than usual.

I have a bookmark in my Firefox browser that immediately opens SyncThing’s browser page. This would not open, " Unable to connect. Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at localhost:8384."

This would be my one and only critique of the SyncThing interface, when there is a problem like this, you have no info or controls to trouble shoot.

Returning to the Syncthing menu icon: it’s going back and forth between “Unavailable > SyncThing Service (Stopped)” and “Running (offline) > SyncThing Service (Running)”

From this menu, neither Start or Restart has any effect.

I’ve opened the Config Folder and looked at the logs, a panic-20240713-123426.reported file is constantly being produced but I do not know what to look for in them.

I run SyncThing between two Apple Macs: Macbook Pro / MacOS Catalina and a Mac Pro (2019) rackmount / MacOS Ventura. Also, via MobiusSync, I have some of the Syncthing folders on an iPad Pro.

My first suspicion was my recent upgrade to Ventura on the Mac Pro but SyncThing worked as expected for several days until this morning.

The machines are definitely not syncing, I’ve done a few tests and nether one of the machines are currently syncing. The Mac Pro SyncThing browser page indicates that the Macbook Pro is “Disconnected.”

But then it also will show a Connection, start syncing (showing %), but then go back to a Disconnected status. It indicates that it is out of sync, 4 files, my test files.

I have become incredibly dependent on SyncThing, it is the foundation of my work process. I can easily work on large projects, on both machines, and not work about anything being out of sync. Except when I do something foolish like when I open the same file on both machines and work on it. But SyncThing handles this mistake with aplomb as well.

In fact, SyncThing works so well that I run it of years without any real attention – this is also the problem, my SyncThing tech skills go dormant and become forgotten.

I am not sure how to proceed, what to fix? I am dependent on the kindness of strangers.


PS As I’ve been writting this I’ve been watching the status page on the Mac Pro, reporting the status of the Macbook Pro, the page is being updated so they are talking to each other.

There is quite a lot of text, but its not clear if you have an issue or if you don’t have an issue.

The tray icon is not a core syncthing offering. It’s provided by other people. Syncthing is usually launched from the console and produces logs into the console. Suggest you try to start it that way to get the actual error (or check the panic logs).

“Syncthing has stopped working on one machine”

That seems pretty clear, the rest of the text is the conditions surrounding the event (or non event in this case).

“The tray icon is not a core syncthing offering. It’s provided by other people. Syncthing is usually launched from the console and produces logs into the console. Suggest you try to start it that way to get the actual error (or check the panic logs).”

Don’t know what a ‘tray icon’ is, I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the MacOS interface, icons appear in the menu for some applications.

In this case, as there is no browser based status page, it’s all I have right now access SyncThing on the non functional installation on the Macbook Pro, mentioned earlier.

“Syncthing is usually launched from the console and produces logs into the console. Suggest you try to start it that way to get the actual error.”

Don’t what you’re indicating here, I do not launch SyncThing from a ‘console’ – I control it from the localhost browser page or the aforementioned SyncThing menu option by clicking on the icon and then using the drop down menu. It is far more limited than the browser based status page.

Any chance you can help within my limits?

Using the Console and Log Files I determined what led to the problem but not how to fix it.

The Finder crashed from high memory usage, a memory leak occurred and borked the namespace.

A file was created that can’t possibly have the date and time attached to it.

These issues can be addressed but I still do not know the best, non destructive way to solve the SyncThing issue.

Hoping that SyncThing will self heal after the rest is completed.

If not I’ll be back.

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