Syncthing Global discovery server behind traefik reverse proxy

So for background I’m referencing this post which I’ve personally responded to running a global discovery server using the experimental header-transform plugin: [SOLVED] Discovery server behind traefik (2.8) - #5 by bugsyb

Fast forward to present day, and I’m getting an error within the disco server container:

stdiscosrv v1.23.4 "Fermium Flea" (go1.20.2 linux-amd64) 2023-04-05 13:25:55 UTC [purego]
4cb05d8ecca62cf2 POST /
4cb05d8ecca62cf2 no certificates: certificate decode result is empty

So to touch on a few topics – I’m building the disco server container from scratch via a docker file. I’m aware there is a version 1.5 out, however my docker file contains the command:

#           Build             #
ENV DOWNLOAD_URL="$VERSION/stdiscosrv-linux-amd64-$VERSION.tar.gz"

I’m not exactly sure where future versions of the discosrv tarballs are located since I can’t simply change the argument version to 1.50.0 or something like that. The syncthing github page isn’t helpful in locating this file or something else.

Anyway moving ahead: My traefik static configuration file is using the following rewrite headers plugin:

      moduleName: ""
      version: "v1.0.0"

Within my traefik dynamic configuration file: I have the following middlewares and tls defined:


            - Rule:
              Name: 'X-Client-Port Set'
              Header: 'X-Client-Port'
              Value: '^X-Forwarded-Port'
              HeaderPrefix: "^"
              Type: 'Set'

And my actual docker file to create the container is:

      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
    image: syncthing-discovery
    container_name: disco
    hostname: disco
    restart: unless-stopped
    tty: True
    stdin_open: True
      - net
      #  ipv4_address:
      - 8443:8443
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - ""
      - "traefik.http.routers.syncthing-discosrv.rule=Host(``)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.syncthing-discosrv.tls=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.syncthing-discosrv.tls.certresolver=le"
      - "[0]"
      - "[0]"
      - "traefik.http.routers.syncthing-discosrv.entrypoints=web,websecure"
      - "traefik.http.routers.syncthing-discosrv.tls.options=syncthing-discosrv@file"
      - "traefik.http.routers.syncthing-discosrv.middlewares=syncthing-discosrv-middleware,header-transform-plugin@file"
      - "traefik.http.middlewares.syncthing-discosrv-middleware.passtlsclientcert.pem=true"
      - ""
      - TZ
      - PUID=6000
      - PGID=6000
      - /data/disco/db:/home/discosrv/db
      - /data/swag/etc/letsencrypt/live/
      - /data/swag/etc/letsencrypt/live/

So I’m not exactly sure how to examine the headers passed to the disco server container. I’m aware this was running once in the past however I’m kind of stumped now by the no certificates line.

Sounds related:

@bt90 Really helpful link – not sure how you keep up on all the changes but great link. That’s just ducky – I just for now converted over to using SWAG container since it looks like this issue isn’t going to be resolved either on the traefik or disco server end. I guess this issue wouldn’t be resolved even if I actually passed a real client cert to the disco server container rather than kind of faking it as I’m doing now.

With the issue resolved you should be able to pass the real certificate via traefik to the discovery server.

wasn’t aware it’s resolved…assuming it is resolved…I would need to pass a client certificate to the container correct? I’m assuming the disco server would need to have the CA certificate that created the client certificate which because by default I’m using Le certificates with traefik would mean I could self signed client certificate signed through a self created CA authority. I’m assuming since the disco server is started in http mode it wouldn’t present any server certificates to the client for them to verify.

Right now I start my disco container with following options:

CMD ${USER_HOME}/server/discosrv \
    ${DISCO_OPTS} \
    -listen=":${SERV_PORT}" \
    -db-dir="${USER_HOME}/db/discosrv.db" \
    -cert="${USER_HOME}/certs/cert.pem" \
    -key="${USER_HOME}/certs/key.pem" \

Is there a CA option to add to the command line?

It’s not resolved yet.

The requirements are pretty straight forward:

Thanks for replying here. I’ve read the documentation you’ve listed here a lot. I guess the only part I’m misunderstanding is the client certificate section. I’m aware of the header declaration:

proxy_set_header X-SSL-Cert $ssl_client_cert;

From my more than rudimentary understanding of nginx, this references a variable @ssl_client_cert which I’m assuming is the PEM encoded client certificate – however nowhere in the syncthing setup (syncthing GUI client or reverse proxy) do I see an actual client certificate being defined. Is this passed by the syncthing client program in a hidden manner and not defined in the advanced options??

Lastly even more confused, I consulted the nginx doocumentation and found:

$ssl_client_cert returns the client certificate in the PEM format for an established SSL connection, with each line except the first prepended with the tab character; this is intended for the use in the proxy_set_header directive;

The variable is deprecated, the $ssl_client_escaped_cert variable should be used instead.

Syncthings protocol uses TLS encryption. Each node has its own certificate for this purpose. This is also used by the discovery server to validate that the client has a certificate that matches the ID it tries to register addresses for.

@bt90 - Ahhh Ok thanks. So the client certificate is “built-in” to each node. Ok makes sense. Thanks for explanation.

Hopefully the traefik url escape issue is resolved soon although I’m not holding my breath. Thanks for your time and knowledge.

Its not built in, the device id is derived from cert.pem file (I think) in the config directory. Which is just the public certificate. The ownership of that certificate is proven by key.pem, which is the private key to that certificate. Anyone having that private key can claim that identity.

Does a CA sign the CSR to create this cert.pem file? Who is the CA?

It’s an entirely self-signed certificate. That’s why you need to add other devices by ID. Otherwise Syncthing can’t tell who to trust.

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