I encourage those who can to support causes they believe in, whether that be aid for the war in Ukraine, aid for the victims of any other war, or other injustices you care about. There are a lot to pick from and we can’t all work on everything, but we can do something to help where it matters.
Somewhat orthogonal to the above, but related in that it’s something I care about, my company Kastelo supports the Swedish Expo foundation with a yearly €1000. The Expo Foundation works to document, expose and counteract racism and the far-right in Scandinavia.
Hi, as a Ukrainian, I would like to first of all thank everyone for the phenomenal support and help.
I am very sorry that I am writing this only now, but as you can imagine we all have been a bit busy.
I want to express my personal gratitude for your product, which has HELPED TO SAVE THOUSANDS of large enterprises, TENS OF THOUSANDS of jobs and lives, preserve technology, cultural and family heritage and keep business going, including critical infrastructure.
Having used your product for over 5 years now, I often advocate it as an example as things should be maintained, including transparency of developers, beneficiaries, guaranteed source code reproducibility and general opennes and clear mind.
If you are interested, I can share my experience building war/disaster proof solutions using such wonderful peaces of software as syncthing, veracrypt, signal, openvpn to maintain robust, self-curing networking, communication and data processing. Just not sure in which thread of the forum it is better to make an article.
I have to admit what Ukraine is poorly presented even in English-speaking environment, so as direct witness of thats going on here and being corporate CIO (working for business big enough to pay attention to macroeconomics and geopolitics in everyday routine) for decades here can try to find some time to answer basic questions, why Ukraine, why this time things are completely different, and share some opinion on near future risk management for EU and so on.