Syncthing for WD My Cloud NAS

I’ve made a Syncthing package for WD My Cloud NAS running OS3 (2.x firmware).

Download it here.

Install via the WD web interface in the Apps tab.

Source on github.



You may want to add it to the community contributions:

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Note I’ve only tested the PR4100 and EX2Ultra. It’s possible that the older platforms are picky (EX2/EX4 and MyCloud) … please let me know if those are broken.

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Not to offend anybody but a general question: how is ensured that 3rd party packages like this one are safe to use? Handing out my data to a non-official binary seems like a bad idea to me. :slight_smile: Are there any safeguards in syncthing that make things like this safe to use?

Other than that syncthing tells me that one should not use the application with a privileged user like this package seems to use. Perhaps that’s a mistake on my end, though.

Nothing is ensured. It’s up to you to decide whether you trust any of these sources.


Hi @stefaang, are there any known issues? I have a 2TB WD MyCloud on 2.x firmware. Thanks

Hello. Please add “folder browser” when adding folder to sync

Hello I’ve installed it on my Ex2Ultra but can’t find where the syncthing folder are creater / can’t select existing folders. Could you help?

Hello i have the same problem. I can’t create or join a folder on MyCloudEX2Ultra. Please answer me what i wrong Thanks

Hey just wanted to bump this, it would be an absolute lifesaver since WD is ending support for the old OS3 devices. Unfortunately it doesn’t work for the EX2 though :frowning:

Hi guys.

I just upgraded my WD PR4100 to MyCloud OS5 after WD have forced me, to keep online cloud access. It seems the bin files available don’t seem to work on OS5 now either. When trying to install the SyncThing package it simply tells me “The app you are trying to install is for My Cloud OS 3 which is not compatible with the My Cloud OS 5. Please check the app version and try again.”

I’m wondering if there will be a package released that will be compatible? Does anyone have a fix?

A friend of mine has a WD MyCloud running OS 5, and I helped him getting syncthing to run on that last year.

IIRC, what we did was building the .bin files for OS 5 ourselves, using the repo from this thread (GitHub - WDCommunity/wdpksrc: Cross compilation framework to create native packages for the Western Digital My Cloud).

I don’t know if there are official sources for pre-build OS 5 packages available, at least I haven’t seen them. Anyway, I felt more comfortable with building it myself (rather than downloading unknown packages from somewhere). [The official releases I could find were all for OS2/3].

These are the basic steps required for building the package (just re-did them to test):

  1. Have a working Linux machine. I used Ubuntu 20.04, with common prerequisites (build-essentials, git, libxml2 openssl) already installed.
  2. Clone the repository: git clone
  3. cd wdpksrc
  4. Rename mksapkg-OS5 to mksapkg. The build script seems to expect a binary named mksapkg in the repo, but there are two included in the repo: One for OS3, one for OS5. We obviously want the OS5 version, so we rename that to mksapkg: mv mksapkg-OS5 mksapkg
  5. cd wdpk/syncthing
  6. Build the package: ./ This should automatically build some more-or-less recent syncthing version for a bunch of common(?) WD models.* A few warning messages may show up, but nothing critical (except for the script complaining that it can’t find some models that don’t have OS5).
  7. The binaries can now be found in cd ../../packages/syncthing. Simply install the .bin file matching your model.

*In fact it doesn’t really build syncthing itself, it uses the official binaries from Releases · syncthing/syncthing · GitHub. This has the nice benefit that the inbuild update mechanism is enabled, so your syncthing version can auto-upgrade.

This seemed to work nicely on my friend’s NAS at least.


Hi @Nummer378 , I have followed the steps described in your last post and Syncthing sesms installed in my WD (EX2 Ultra) running OS5 but when I try to connect to xxxxx::8384 I am not able to open the webpage for configuration. Am I using the proper port? Do you have any suggestion? Thank you!

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IIRC, syncthing should appear in your MyCloud apps. You might need to start it first? I also recall that there should be a button or something that takes you to syncthing’s UI from within the MyCloud interface.

I do not recall any particular steps. The start script from the MyCommunity package (wdpksrc/ at master · WDCommunity/wdpksrc · GitHub) should start syncthing with the correct settings, so that no additional steps should be required.

(I don’t own a WD MyCloud myself, so this is all from memory)

Syncthing app appears in my MyCloud buit when I click on “configuration” button it bring me to ip: xxxxxxxx:8384 but it says that the page is ureachble. Thank you for you help.

Did you find a way to get this to work. I am havig the same issue.