Syncthing download stats

I grabbed the download stats from the public Github API to put the usage reports into perspective (and give @calmh something to :smile:)

total downloads of all release files :tada:


total downloads by OS

linux: 462.135
windows: 218.493
macosx: 34.622
freebsd: 9.676
darwin: 6.184
solaris: 653
openbsd: 317

of course this does not mean unique devices because Syncthing downloads the update from Github, so here are the stats for the latest releases


freebsd: 789
linux: 71.446
macosx: 4.065
openbsd: 45
windows: 13.633


freebsd: 395
linux: 30.778
macosx: 1.796
openbsd: 16
windows: 6.299


freebsd: 514
linux: 48.962
macosx: 2.284
openbsd: 27
solaris: 2
windows: 8.343

:bulb: The flux in the compensators™ is because some people have disabled automatic updates and/or only update once in a while skipping a release or two

Note: this post will be updated at random times depending on :watch: and available power sources :beer:


Interesting stuff.

60k downloads of 0.10.23 vs 3k reported. 80% have usage reporting disabled.

OTOH, the announce server sees ~7k announced devices currently. There’s probably a daily cycle to that (devices being turned off at night etc), but there’s still a high ratio of downloads to actually-running. Some will obviously run without global announce, but I doubt it’s the vast majority.