I’m hoping someone can help me get my Batocera/Retroid pocket 3+/Syncthing working correctly. The issue, as far as I can tell, is nothing more complicated than pointing Syncthing at the right directory on my Batocera box but I can’t for the life of me figure this out. I have Batocera V40 running perfectly fine as the only OS install on a Lenovo thinkcenter hooked up to my tv. My Retroid pocket is likewise up and working just fine with an android install. Syncthing is enabled on both devices and I can access it both from the web interface for the Batocera and as an app on my Retroid. It appears to be pointed at the correct folder on my Retroid – this is helped by the fact that I have a clickable file browser so I can brose to folders both in Retroarch and in Synthing and make sure they are the same folder. I cannot say the same for Batocera and I believe this is where my issue is. If I browse the Batocera files through a Windows network browser I can see a folder called “share” which appears to be the root of the drive where I can move roms and such around though I’m not actually sure what the full drive structure looks like as this is where the file browser “starts”. If I open the Batocera file browser I have “Share” “Bios” “Roms” and “Screenshots” as folders and “BATOCERA” and “SHARE” as drives. The SHARE and Share drives, according to the batocera file browser point to /userdata for “Share” and /media/SHARE for “SHARE.” What I believe to be the issue is that since I’m not able to just browse the files in the Syncthing configuration web UI I’m not actually pointing at the same places in Retroarch and Syncthing. Syncthing starts with ~/ and it seems like no matter what I put after that and try to make it match my file browsers, either in Retroarch or Batocera, I’m just not in the right place. I’m not very familiar with Linux file structures/drives and it seems like Windows, Retroarch, Batocera and Syncthing all map things out differently which is what’s jamming me up. Can anyone tell me how the Syncthing UI/file path and the Batocera file paths link up? As my example, I’d like my saves and states to just be in a “saves” and a “states” folder on the SHARE drive and get Syncthing to grab those.
Actually let me clarify a bit here what I really need to know, I think, is where does the default ~/ actually point to? what is it shortening? In this case - the sort of default - where would this folder actually BE on the device?
According to your screenshot, ~
expands to /
, which is referred to as the “root” of a Unix/Linux system. So ~/Saves
is equivalent to /Saves
(in the Windows world, it’d typically be C:\
This took a maddeningly long time to figure out but this was the post that helped me get there. The ~/ and the / are identical and are the root of the drive so form there you can figure out where your folder is.
Call me a pleb but I would personally like a clickable file browser in the web set up to alleviate this kind of thing.
Thank you for your help!
It should auto-complete as you type.
is normally the shortcut for the home directory, unless that is undefined.
For security reasons, it’s not something that’s normally allowed by web browsers. A web app isn’t allowed to directly browse the local filesystem, but it can request that a local file browser provided by the OS open and pass back the path to a specific file, but that’s about it.
Most file browsers have a “copy path” option, so it can be used as a workaround by copying then pasting the path into Syncthing’s web UI.