Syncthing 1.29.2 won't open are auto-start on Mac after logout

What a weird issue. Spent all day yesterday figuring out how to make Syncthing work to a NAS server, and now it won’t auto-open after logging out. I’ve added it to each user’s “login items” and it simply doesn’t work. I can’t even open it from the Applications folder…have to uninstall/reinstall it. Great product, but cmon.

Also, how does one install it for all users on the Mac?

Have you seen Starting Syncthing Automatically — Syncthing documentation ?

If you’re not using Homebrew, the Syncthing documentation recommends that you have Syncthing launch on login. You could have it launch on boot, though, I found Running software automatically using launchd – The Eclectic Light Company and macos - How to set already running binary to run at startup - Stack Overflow with recommendations.

Note: I know the Mac platform pretty well, however my Mac belongs to my employer and I may not run Syncthing on it, even for testing.

It sounds like you’re running into one of the macOS security features. When Syncthing isn’t auto-launching or opening from the Applications folder, what’s the result of the following command?

defaults read com.github.xor-gate.syncthing-macosx Executable

Gadget, Here are the results of this command…

% defaults read com.github.xor-gate.syncthing-macosx Executable /Volumes/Syncthing/

Chaos, thanks, yes I found you can install syncthing via homebrew, and it starts by command at each login. However, I need to play with two users setting up local Mac sync folders, as my wife and I both have folders to sync.

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After applying the mentioned workaround, you should be able to use the GUI integration normally again.

Acolomb, this is the exact issue I’ve hit and running the commands listed in it resolved my issues. It was because I first ran Syncthing from the downloaded (and mounted) disk image file vs from the Applications folder.

Thanks a bunch!

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