I looked around the forum and posts of the same title didn’t help. In my case, I did want to delete these files that are showing the error. Now, the failed items status on them haunts me.
So how to remove these as failed items?
I looked around the forum and posts of the same title didn’t help. In my case, I did want to delete these files that are showing the error. Now, the failed items status on them haunts me.
So how to remove these as failed items?
How long has this message been visible? In other cases I’ve read about here, patience solved the problem.
more than three days now
That’s abnormal, especially if each Syncthing Device has been up during that time.
I don’t know where to go from here, sorry. Hopefully someone smarter than me can help.
Do you have ignore patterns active on any device? Make sure they don’t cover files that you want to have deleted on remote devices as well.
My ignore patterns are:
So it’s a no. Peers were of course up and running. No other patterns are on other peers for this folder.
It has something to do with illegal characters for android btw (at least initially) so I deleted the files entirely, since they were contents of a .trash
folder anyway, and now we’re here with this error…
Can you, just for testing purposes, add the whole .trash
to your ignore patterns (on both sides) and see what happens? If the problem still doesn’t go away then, then I think this may be some kind of a bug, and you may need to remove and re-add the whole folder from scratch (just inside Syncthing) to get rid of it.
I will do this as part of the solution to the problem I described in the related post you’ve closed, but the issue has been resolved now.
A couple of hours ago I cleared the entire .trash folder on pc peer and now the problem is gone, but I’m not sure that this caused it.
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