Syncing nested folders.

Hello, I want to setup the following folder structure to sync a bunch of files.

** Device 1 ** notes/ (not shared with Device 2)

** Device 2 ** notes/ (completely different set of notes, shared with Device 1!)

So in this case, I would Ideally like for the notes in Device 2 to appear under notes/ in device 1. This is just so I can consolidate notes in one device from multiple devices.

For example, I want to use this method to sync notes from my work computer to my personal computer but in a way that I don’t sync my personal notes back to work computer.

I already have a setup for this… which works but It’s just a little hacky:

** Personal Device **

  • notes/
    • work/ (work notes!)
    • personal/

** Work Device **

  • notes/ (these notes get synced to work/ folder on Personal Device for example).

In the above case, both the root notes/ folder on personal device as well as the work/ folder are syncthing folders. I have setup some ignore rules so sensitive files don’t get synced either ways. (my personal notes don’t sync to work, some work stuff doesn’t get synced to personal device etc).

While the above approach works for me I just feel like now I have 2 different folders for all my notes. I would personally like to have some parts of the work notes (general notes that are not related to work but more like technical stuff that I learn etc) to be synced to the notes/ folder on personal.

When I try to set this up, I get this error: folder path missing

If you have any suggestions on how I can achieve this, it is really appreciated! Thanks

I’m not really following the problem you’re having, but you can certainly sync ~/notes/work on A to ~/notes on B, while also syncing ~/notes on A to something else. This is one of the allowed scenarios for nested folders.

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