Structure Needs Cleaning

I receive a Filesystem Watcher Error after adding a folder to Syncthing. It lists a directory and says structure needs cleaning. I am running Syncthing in Docker on Unraid. Is there anything I can try to resolve this error? I had this folder in Synthing in the past, but I’ve re-added previous folders and have not had this issue.

Seeing the actual error would be very helpful because there are often important clues.

But based on what you described, it sounds like your storage volume in Unraid is corrupted, possibly as a result of hardware issue(s).

A screenshot of the error is below. I’ll look into the potential corruption in Unraid. Thank you!

Yup, at the very least, the filesystem needs to be repaired. Depending on the particular filesystem and the level of corruption, a reboot might be enough. But either way, run a self-diagnostic via Unraid’s tools.

I also recommend digging into the S.M.A.R.T. log for each drive in the array to see if there are any signs of hardware issues.


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