strelaysrv connection expiration

Have an ISP router required for a 100 Mbps upstream fiber connection that has a small NAT table limit and no bypass available. The relay server uses a great deal of connections. Would setting the connection timeout to 30 seconds still be useful in the relay pool? How low can go with the connection limit and still contribute?

When a relay server is used do both devices need an active connection to the relay server or does a device just need to “sign up” with the relay server before the connection can be closed and later opened and used with another device?

The setting to change the connection timeout is as follows


That setting is to disconnect broken or dead clients. Don’t reduce it - the only effect you can achieve is to disconnect legitimately waiting clients.

You can set rate limits to make it behave to your preference, though.

Yet the only way to have less connections is to run the process with lower file descriptor limit.

That was a good idea. Editing /etc/security/limits.conf to limit file descriptors for a user reduced overall connection count used by strelaysrv.

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