A sudden influx of new users? Have we changed something about the usage reports? A bug in the collector?
Did we ship an RC on Android maybe?
By the looks of it, the amount of reported Android devices more than doubled since the beginning of the month. From ±21k to ±55k now. That’s quite a bump. Seemingly those ended up on v1.27.1-rc.1. Could this be explained by the login-issue we had - that more users went to a RC to mitigate it?
Oh yeah that would explain it - I’ll double check right now.
Edit1: At least nominally 1.27.1 is on the release track, i.e. not a beta release.
Edit2: And yeah, contained therein is 1.27.1-rc.1 - I messed up the release. I’ll fix it up asap.
Edit3: There’s supposed to be a check in the release script to make sure the app and syncthing version match each other, however it only checks the main version - not the RC part… I’ll fix that too to prevent this in the future.
Edit4: And the release is ready, waiting for review by google.
Edit5 (this is getting silly): The script is fine, it should have caught this. I just tried to run it again on the old commit, and it failed. What the heck did I do there?!
For the record, F-Droid also followed and is now serving “1.27.1” with “1.27.1-rc.1” inside it as a stable release.
Yep, and they’ll follow with too.
If anyone wants to speed it up, you can edit this file to add the new release: metadata/com.nutomic.syncthingandroid.yml · master · F-Droid / Data · GitLab
I just tried on mobile and encountered some strange errors. And wont be online for a while now - I’ll wait for the updater script (or a volunteer) to bump the version.