Still warnings about request for file in unshared folder

Continuing the discussion from Request from … for file … in unshared folder “…”:

When are these fixes being released?

It seems to me they ought to be contained in version v0.14.47 already.

I have version v0.14.47, Linux (ARM), but still get these warnings:

What i did:

  • I have one folder which was paused on 3 devices for many days.
  • I enabled it on one device, but kept it disabled on the others.
  • One of the still disabled devices now gives me this:


2018-05-26 14:52:10: Request from DEVICE1 for file SOME-FILE1 in unshared folder "FOLDER1"
2018-05-26 14:52:26: Request from DEVICE1 for file SOME-FILE2 in unshared folder "FOLDER1"
2018-05-26 14:52:27: Request from DEVICE1 for file SOME-FILE3 in unshared folder "FOLDER1"
2018-05-26 14:52:27: Request from DEVICE1 for file SOME-FILE4 in unshared folder "FOLDER1"
2018-05-26 14:52:27: Request from DEVICE1 for file SOME-FILE5 in unshared folder "FOLDER1" 

Is the fix not yet released in this version?
If not so then it didn’t fix the warning.

But anyway it seems to me that the underlying pause-mechanism is not working properly. It was mentioned before, that the enabled client should not ask the client where the folder is paused for any files. But apparently this is still happening.

I think you should look into this further.

If this mechanism works as intended the given warning is half as bad.

It’s in v0.14.47, but that PR is bull (I am allowed to say that, I wrote it). Unfortunately the fix of the fix will only go into 0.14.49.

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ok thanks

Is there a way to get the fix sooner?

My logfile is filling with this warning message…

Depends on its impact. Either compile a version which includes the fix, wait a few days for the 0.14.49 release candidate, adjust your logging settings or just ignore the log if the impact is just cosmetic.

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