Syncthing directory entry - Syncthing calls it a folder - is for the top of the source tree ‘Logseq’ (note capitals).
The intent is to stop any ‘.recycle’ directories that appear in the source tree in Logseq and below being transferred to other the remote Syncthing folder related to Logseq. The .recycle directories (zero and above of) could appear anywhere in the subtrees under Logseq.
Have I achieved my goal? Should it be ‘**.recycle’ (without the slash) or something else?
Please try to format literals using the pre-formatted text (</>) button in the post editor. It avoids misunderstandings because with paths and ignore patterns, every character counts.
For what you want to achieve, I think this will be enough:
It will ignore any file or directory with that name, anywhere in the Syncthing folder. No need for ** or similar constructs.
Make sure to read the note at the end of Ignoring Files — Syncthing documentation, there’s a difference if you want to ignore the whole directory or only its contents.