stcli: how do I get folder status?

I need to get whether the folder is up to date, when was the (file) update, and when did the last sync occur (latest communication about the folder with an another device).

I didn’t find any of the capabilities in stcli, is there none?

Looks like stcli from v1.14.0 does not allow to get the folder status, indeed. You can of course always use the REST-API. The tool syncthingctl which I’ve wrote as part of the Syncthing Tray project can give you output like this:

syncthingctl status --dir projects 
 - projects
   Path                          some/path
   Status                        idle
      Global                        88963 file(s), 29195 dir(s), 1.74 GiB
      Local                         88950 file(s), 29195 dir(s), 1.74 GiB
   Last scan time                2021-03-22 11:58:16.966
   Last file time                2021-03-22 10:17:54.353
   Last file name                file/path
   Shared with                   pi3
   Remote progress               some need bytes
      martchus-arch                 1.74 GiB / 1.74 GiB (99 %)
      suse-laptop                   1.74 GiB / 1.74 GiB (100 %)
      thinkpad                      1.74 GiB / 1.74 GiB (99 %)
      pi3                           1.30 GiB / 1.74 GiB (74 %)
   Type                          Send & Receive
   Ignore permissions            no
   Auto-normalize                yes
   Rescan interval               6 h, file system watcher disabled
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