Starting syncthing from systemd

If I try to start syncthing from systemd I get the following result:

# service syncthing start
Starting Syncthing...
00:18:01 FATAL: No home directory found - set $HOME (or the platform equivalent).

How can I fix it, please?

It would be helpful to see the service file you are using. Depends on if you are starting it as a user service or a system service. There are examples in the Arch AUR package and probably in the syncthing wiki as well.


I really don’t know! I cannot find the file of the service in /etc/systemd/user/ nor in /etc/systemd/system.

You can find it out easily:

$ systemctl list-unit-files | grep syncthing
$ systemctl cat YOUR-SERVICE.service

Weird… there is not syncthing!

How have you installed syncthing?

With deb package


IIRC the deb package does not include the service files yet. Is this correct @calmh? You could instead follow the instructions in the wiki, should be fairly easy to setup. Something like this:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

mkdir -p $userunits
cd $userunits
curl -LO

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user start syncthing.service

There are no systemd files in the Debian package, no. At least it needs someone systemd-knowledgeable to give a thumbs up or down on the pull request. Possibly we may not even want to include the files in their “real” location anyway, given the package is installable on systems that don’t have systemd and where we maybe shouldn’t create a /usr/lib/systemd either…

Unfortunately I get the same error:

SRVR ~/.config/systemd/system # systemctl --system start syncthing.service
Failed to issue method call: Unit syncthing.service failed to load: Bad message. See system logs and 'systemctl status syncthing.service' for details.
SRVR ~/.config/systemd/system :( # systemctl status syncthing.service
          Loaded: error (Reason: Bad message)
          Active: active (exited) since Wed, 20 May 2015 23:32:10 +0200; 3min 3s ago

May 20 23:32:09 SRVR syncthing[7966]: Starting Syncthing...
May 20 23:32:10 SRVR syncthing[7966]: 23:32:10 FATAL: No home directory found - set $HOME (or the platform equivalent).

Please show us your service file. That’s not the one I have written, since it is for the system instance without any templating.

$ systemctl --system cat syncthing.service

It might be my fault: I have tried to start the service as root.

SRVR ~/.config/systemd/system # cat syncthing.service
Description=Syncthing - Open Source Continuous File Synchronization

ExecStart=/usr/bin/syncthing -no-browser -logflags=0
SuccessExitStatus=2 3 4
RestartForceExitStatus=3 4


Don’t do that. Run it as the user who should own the files.

Thanks for solving my problem!

Can I ask why? I’m just curious.

Running it as root gives it way too much power and opens up for worse problems than necessary in case of misconfiguration or something malicious. Plus your synced will be owned by root, which is usually not the intention?

Again, please follow the docs. You have mixed up things. This service file you use is intended for the user instance. So place it in ~/.config/systemd/user, and start it as the current user with

$ systemctl --user start syncthing.service

When you really want to use it as root, then use the system file. Place it in the appropriate load path, /etc/systemd/system, and type:

# systemctl start syncthing@root.service

But as calmh already outlined, don’t do that…

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Many thanks to all of you, I understood!

There is only one problem by starting syncthing as a user and not as root: in my case syncthing is running on a headless server thus it won’t start automatically if the user running syncthing is not logged in.

That is probably solvable somehow with systemd (although I know nothing about it), otherwise I would recommend the runit way which is trivial and works fine for the purpose.

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Thanks again!
