[solved] out of sync, just one small file

good morning. I am a noob, but doing pretty well so far. today I added a sync partition, both machines started nearly identical partitions, and nearly identical contents. running Debian 9 Stretch on both machines, one on wifi, the other wired to the router… so I guess that would be LAN. after an hour or two I ended up with one thorn in my side. Out of Sync Items: 1 items, ~128 B Global State 164174 49450 ~89.2 GiB Local State 164174 49450 ~89.2 GiB

how can I get a log so I can find what file/folder is annoying me?

I want to avoid a manual delete and copy again. Yes, I did search the other threads first, but spotted nothing on point. Thanks, Peter

You can click on the out of sync text which should open another dialog.

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thank you sir!!! I have found it and it is fixed. One machine (this one) only listed the sync folder name. I visited the other machine and it listed the offending file. It was a lost and found file owned by root that I failed to delete before I started the sync.

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