Shell script I use to show most recent file changes

Thought I’d share this shell script I use to show the most recent file changes / updates from the audit log file. It uses jq to parse the json. I am using this on ubuntu boxes and Windows via cygwin.

Hope other folks find this useful. I have a ton of similar scripts I use in a management console I wrote.

filename=$(find /cygdrive/c/Syncthing/config/ -name "audit*" | sort -r | head -1);
printf "searching last 10,000 lines of: \n$filename \ntotal rows: " && wc -l  < $filename
printf "\n\ndate,time,action,error,type,folder,item" | awk -F, '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){printf "%-15s", $i};printf "\n"}';
echo "===============,===============,===============,===============,===============,===============,===============" | awk -F, '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){printf "%-15s", $i};printf "\n"}';
#next line find the latest audit file and breaks down the json using jq.  output is passed to awk to turn into 15 char columns
tail $filename -n 10000 -f | grep --line-buffered "ItemFinished" | jq -r --unbuffered '[.time[0:10],.time[11:19],.data.action,.data.error,.data.type,.data.folder,.data.item] | join(",")' | awk -F, '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){printf "%-15s", $i};printf "\n"}';
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Output from this is as follows:

date           time           action         error          type           folder         item
2016-03-01     07:39:18       update                        file           my_sync        tools\pull_stock_data\stocks_output_file.txt
2016-03-01     07:48:16       update                        file           my_sync        tools\pull_stock_data\stocks_output_file.txt
2016-03-01     07:51:20       update                        file           datastore      ds-mail\profiles\mmatt\ImapMail\stbeen.*****.com\INBOX.msf
2016-03-01     07:52:06       update                        file           datastore      ds-mail\profiles\mmatt\ImapMail\stbeen.*****.com\INBOX
2016-03-01     07:56:50       update                        file           my_sync        tools\pull_stock_data\stocks_output_file.txt
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