Setup for Photos Sync from Multiple Phones?

Thanks ahead for reading. I have setup Syncthing in two Windows10 machines, and two Android phones.

I want a directory in both PCs that contain all photos. Then, both phones I would like them to “dump” (Send only?) the photos into the PCs.

How should I go about this? I linked devices (which was quite easy!). Yet when I create the directories for the photos, that’s where I think I’m making a mess.

Should the PCs be “Send and Receive”? And should the Android phones be “Send only”? (No desire to have all photos on both phones.)

Finally, if I create a directory in one of the PCs, then select to share it with one of the Android phones… the phone never alerts me with “The PC is trying to share this directory. Accept/Ignore”. Is this normal behavior?

If I were to come at it the other way, and create a directory on the phone, then share it in the PC, relatively quickly the PC’s web GUI pops up a message on top stating “Android phone wants to share folder xyz.”

Any insights? Thank you!

What do you mean by “dump” exactly? Do you want to only copy the pictures to the PC, or do you want to move them completely? Setting the folder to “Send Only” on the phone will not prevent the files from being deleted on the PC if you remove them from the phone.

Also, do you want to merge the files into a single folder on the PC, or do you prefer to have them stored in separate folders for each phone?

@tomasz86 thank you for the help! Your questions are helping me “clear up” what is it that I want to accomplish.

Let me answer them: “Dump”, I mean have the phones (cameras) send all the photos they take to both of the connected PCs. I would like to “copy” them, don’t need to “move” them.

“Send Only” on the phone… can I then set the PC to “Receive Only”?

And the last question, it’s the big “YES!”, I would like to merge all the files from both phones into a single folder on the PC.

I though adding each PC to each other, so they can sync between themselves… yet not sure if there’s a better way to go about it.

I would say that setting the phones to “Send Only” should be enough. The PC can be either “Receive Only” or “Send & Receive”.

Just make sure not to press any of the red “Revert” buttons which will surely appear in the Web GUI on the devices, as with this configuration, they will never be truly in sync with each other. In other words, the same folder will have different files on each of the phones, and a merged copy of all the files on the PC(s).

Also, please remember not to delete any pictures from the phones, as those deletions will be pushed to the PC(s) too. Lastly, as always, make sure to have a backup copy of everything before doing any experimentation with the actual files.

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