Service exited with abnormal code 1 on Mac

I’m running Syncthing on 4 macs and to my knowledge this issue only occurs on one of them (12" Macbook running OS X 10.11.6).

Syncthing just stops synchronising, the effected computer is seen as not connected on the other machines. I can’t access the GUI via localhost:8384 but ps aux shows syncthing is alive. Running brew services restart syncthing doesn’t fix things, but running kill -9 syncthing_process_id then brew services restart syncthing does fix it until next time

Whenever this occurs I get this on the console regarding syncthing:

Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds

This is particularly frustrating because I used to be able to rely on syncthing to work everytime but this is shaking my confidence :frowning:

You need to find the output from Syncthing, which will explain why it exited. I’m not sure where that is, in the brew packaging of Syncthing.

Since I have upgraded to v0.14.11, but 2 days is quite a small sample size…

From the previous time I believe this is the moment from the logs:

2016/11/14 17:34:13 Supervisor connections.Service: connections.Service: Failed service 'dynamic+' (1.000000 failures of 5.000000), restarting: true, error: "dynamic+ returned unexpectedly", stacktrace: [unknown stack trace]
[TGJ64] 19:34:44 INFO: Restarting
[TGJ64] 19:34:44 INFO: Exiting

Followed by a spam of:

[TGJ64] 09:56:51 FATAL: Cannot open database: resource temporarily unavailable - Is another copy of Syncthing already running?
[TGJ64] 09:57:01 INFO: syncthing v0.14.6 "Dysprosium Dragonfly" (go1.7 darwin-amd64) brew@elcapitanvm.local 2016-09-04 21:06:30 UTC
[TGJ64] 09:57:02 INFO: Single thread hash performance is ~103 MB/s

Thank you for your help and an amazing piece of software :slight_smile:


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