Server shows remote syncing, but my remote shows up to date but missing several files

Hello, I have an server using ubuntu server, and looking at that server I can see this:

Looking into my server, I could confirm there’s some files there:


But in my machine (the remote one) I can’t find these files (for example)… and syncthing show everything is up to date:

I already tried to restart the server, the remote… clicked on Rescan All in both server and remote… some issue… can’t see that files there… I also pulled of the logs, and didn’t saw anything to highlight any error…

Any idea what’s going on?


Could you update both to the newest Syncthing version first? There’s a good chance that we end up chasing old bugs otherwise.

Thanks @bt90, my bad… I updated to the latest version available on the linux repo, which is v1.29.1 now… on my macOS it’s on the latest V.1.28.1… restarted the server (the machine)

Same error… still show the exactly status as I posted on the above screenshot

the weird part is, on the server, show my remote stucked on 47%… still 34.5Gb to sync… and I believe that’s the exactly amount of file is missing on my remote…

Also, I tried to change the config Max Conflicts in both machines to 0, as I found something like this on google search… no luck

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